From the first Sunday of Advent, through all of this period, sharing their thoughts, our superiors help us prepare to meet the baby Jesus in Bethlehem on Christmas Eve. May it help and enrich us spiritually.
Our Holy Mother Church usually does not seek justice in the street or squares, but rather in her churches and – if necessary – in court. In the present situation, the Roman-Catholic Status Foundation of Transylvania is again in the situation to seek justice in the street, to rise her voice for justice, to step up for justice by organizing an awareness campaign.
One does not seek justice in the street, but if we do that, then there is a good reason for it – said dr. Holló László, university professor in Cluj, Chief Executive Officer of the Roman-Catholic Status, in his speech delivered at the rally supporting the Roman-Catholic High School and its principal dr. Tamási Zsolt József. The event was held today, November 12, Saturday afternoon in the center of Târgu Mureș.