Jesus says: not everyone gets into the kingdom of heaven, “but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”

ADVENT LANTERN (daily meditations)

The thoughts of Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Tamás József

When asked to do a favour, one can say yes and do as promised. In other cases one might say yes but then forget about fulfilling the promise. One is free to say no and stick to this answer forever. In some cases one says no, but regretting later, the no turns into a yes, the person fulfills the request. The best human attitude is to say yes when a positive answer is needed, and then stick to this yes, fulfill the promise. And when the request refers to something bad, the answer should be a firm no, a rejection. As Jesus says: not everyone gets into the kingdom of heaven, “but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21)

Foto: Geréd Zsolt