The thoughts of Bishop Emeritus Tamás József
25 December, Christmas Day
The celebration of Christmas is not just a symbol of the millennia that have passed, not just a reminder of the joy with which the first Christmas was celebrated. None of this would explain the sincerity of the Church's joy. A true Christmas can only come from the belief that a mystery is going on here. What happened two thousand years ago is being played out again, but in a new way, in the sanctifying and grace-giving power of our feasts. Every year, the miracle of the first Christmas is mysteriously repeated when the smile of the divine child is born in human hearts. If we want it, it can happen with us. Thus the smile of Christ at Christmas will revitalize us to the depths of our souls. It will enlighten the atmosphere of this feast. Let us therefore embrace, protect and increase the grace and smile of Christ in our hearts. That way we will have a beautiful Christmas!