In Defense of the Principal of the Roman Catholic High School in Târgu Mureș
”I am fully convinced of the innocence of Tamási Zsolt who enjoys my full confidence. I pray for him to pass over these events and to be able to continue his work – forcibly interrupted – with the enthusiasm and involvement that characterize him” – said Oláh Dénes, archdeacon and parish priest of Târgu Mureș, for the Catholic weekly Vasárnap.

Principal Tamási Zsolt at the first opening ceremony of the school year
The Parish of St. John the Baptist – led by him and on whose territory, the Catholic high school is located – called Monday, November 7th, at 7 p.m. all men of good will, regardless of confession, to a joint prayer under the motto” For nothing will be impossible with God” (Lk 1,37).” In a joint solidarity and united in prayer, to defend our rights as Hungarians and Christians, to save our Catholic Hungarian schools! We invite you to join our prayer in the entire Carpathian Basin because we believe that «If God is for us, who is against us? » With him we can overcome this trial” – they say. A teacher of the school started a prayer chain: circular telephone messages were sent calling people to daily prayer from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. for the school.

Fragment of a group picture with management and the youngest pupils – 2015
As is known, the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) ordered on Thursday, November 3rd the measure of judicial control for 60 days over the principal Tamási Zsolt-József and Friday, November 4th the retention of Ștefan Someșan, general inspector of ISJ Mures and Mureș Court ordered on Friday, November 4th, his arrest at home for 30 days. DNA accuses the general inspector that in 2014, he allowed the illegal establishment of the Catholic high school and ordered the appointment of Tamás Zsolt as principal, who during the judicial review of 60 days cannot perform his duties as a principal, he is even banned from entering the school premises.
Knowing closely his performance, conduct and commitment rooted in the Christian faith of the principal, we are firmly convinced that he acted in accordance with the law. We are confident that the investigations of the judicial authorities will prove his innocence. We pray to the Lord in these difficult moments, that being aware of his innocence, he should not lose confidence in the fairness of justice and emerge strengthened from these trials " – says the press release of the Foundation Status, signed by HE Dr. Jakubinyi György Archbishop of Alba Iulia, as president of the foundation that holds the title of owner of the school building and dr. Holló László associate professor, as chairman of the Board.
Status's representatives have said about the arrest of Ștefan Someşan:” We believe that Mr. Ștefan Someşan has acted in compliance with the legislation and hope that his innocence will be proven.”

At the school gate
While the prosecution blames the two persons undergoing research, because they allegedly infringed even the interests of the students, i.e. "they learned during the school year 2015-2016, in an institution that had no legal authorization”, the committee of parents of the Roman Catholic High School began Saturday, November 5th gathering signatures for Tamási Zsolt. The press release “Tamási Zsolt today, tomorrow the whole school!” says, the news was received with dismay and highlights that “we face an inexplicable situation regarding our school.” The communiqué also stresses: “For us Tamási Zsolt’s innocence is certain, we believe that his harassment means to us an attack on the Hungarian community in Târgu Mureș. We are also convinced that general inspector Ștefan Someşan has not committed any illegality in this case. Today is Tamási Zsolt in danger, tomorrow the whole school will be. “Also, regarding Article 32 of the Constitution, paragraphs (3), (5) and (7) and the National Education Law No. 1/2011 which guarantee religious education in the mother tongue, they say: “Challenging the legality of the establishment is inconceivable and unacceptable for us. We believe that the establishment of the school is legal and our children's education and diplomas of graduation are perfectly valid. “At the same time, it is requested that” the Holy See pays attention to the events in Târgu Mureș and the Apostolic Nunciature in Bucharest follows with attention the objectivity and impartiality of the investigation and the judicial proceedings”. In the meantime, professional organizations, educational institutions in Târgu Mureș, committees of parents, the civil society and political parties are called to solidarity.
Novák Csaba Zoltán, UDMR Mureș (Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania) candidate for Senate appeals to solidarity on social media, his own page and in press articles and puts the issue in a broader context:” I think – he writes – the event in progress does not refer only to one or two people, but it shakes the foundations of identity and persistence of the Hungarian community in Romania. Legitimately we ask, who will be the next general inspector, teacher or public employee that will initiate the establishment of new Hungarian educational institutions and will work with the same professionalism and conscientiousness as Tamási Zsolt did. I ask everyone to protest per possibilities: to raise our voices against this serious abuse, to prevent the harassment of Tamási Zsolt, because it is not only his cause, not only the cause of the Catholic high school, but it is ours, of all good-minded people, that respect the law, both Romanians and Hungarians.
The statement of the UDMR, signed by its president Kelemen Hunor makes also a call to solidarity “with all Hungarians working for the interests of our community.” A parallel is drown between the case of the Catholic High school in Târgu Mureș and renationalization of Székely Mikó College from Sfântu Gheorghe in 2012.
”In Romania – but we can generalize referring to the whole area – the structure of state, the legislation, and the conduct of the administrative apparatus are such, that one cannot solve anything, one cannot proceed – concluded the historian Stefano Bottoni in his statement given to the news portal Transindex. Anyone who handles public money can be easily accused of misuse.
Editor Bereczki Silvia sa - Vasárnap
The pictures were taken at the first Veni Sancti Mass, opening the school year at the Catholic school in 2015. Source: Vasárnap Archive / Szőcs Csaba