We Don`t Abandon the School!

One does not seek justice in the street, but if we do that, then there is a good reason for it – said dr. Holló László, university professor in Cluj, Chief Executive Officer of the Roman-Catholic Status, in his speech delivered at the rally supporting the Roman-Catholic High School and its principal dr. Tamási Zsolt József. The event was held today, November 12, Saturday afternoon in the center of Târgu Mureș.

Several thousand participants prayed with archdeacon and parish priest Oláh Dénes for the cause of Catholic education. In his speech Holló László sketched briefly the efforts of the Roman-Catholic Status for creating and maintaining the network of Hungarian Catholic schools in Transylvania. These endeavors with a history of 450 years, often had to face obstacles, but with these attacks, there will be no winners but rather all will lose, including the attacker – added the speaker.

The Unitarian pastor Nagy László expressed in his prayer the common concern of the brothers and sisters who can hear each other's heartbeat and are supporting each other, but also their faith and hope. The pastor prayed that together we can build a more beautiful and right future, trusting the word of God who has written in our hearts: “Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you” (Jer 1,8).

Márton Gyöngyvér conveyed the point of view of the parents that are satisfied with the level of intellectual and moral education provided by the Catholic school in Târgu Mureș and with the work of the teaching staff and the principal. The speaker also stressed the respect enjoyed by Catholic schools across Europe, and drawing attention to the shortcomings of the current education system, emphasized that the existence of a Catholic high school in Târgu Mureș is justified not only by necessity, but also by the professional level.

Székely Szilárd spoke on behalf of the teachers about the commitment in the service of the “fragile generation” and expressed his gratitude for the existence of the school and for the support given to it. He expressed his belief that it is a sign of God's love and blessing that the school has wonderful students, a very united parent’s committee, a principal working with incredible energy, a teaching staff attentive to signs of the times and supportive church hierarchy, that many public persons, colleagues from different closer or more distant schools and faithful of other denominations stand in solidarity with the endangered high school. He addressed the decision-making bodies with the words of the Apostle Paul: “for the letter brings death, but the Spirit gives life” (2Cor 3,6). It depends on what they prefer: the dead letter which can sometimes kill or the life-giving Spirit. Are they going to adjust the letter to life, or rather suppress life if it dares to exist? Referring to the biblical call “choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live” (Deut 30,19), he asked the grace of sagacity for those who will decide the fate of the school.

Kali Edina, a 12th grade student, addressed the colleagues and protesters with the poem God is with you by Ady Endre, then described in a review of the past four years, the gradual achievement of the dream about the Catholic school and she asked for support.

 “Our weapon and armor is the book” – quoting the words of Sütő András, Kelemen Hunor addressed the crowd as a member of the General Assembly of the Roman-Catholic Status and asked them to show the books they have brought, that at the end of the meeting, will be given to the school as a sign of solidarity.

The several thousand participants read together a poem by Reményik Sándor and showed by their peaceful, enthusiastic and prayerful presence that they will not abandon the school that is serving the future together with the church.


Bereczki Silvia sa/Vasárnap
Photos: Harasztovics Arnold