“Nothing is impossible for God”

ADVENT LANTERN (daily meditations)

The thoughts of Bishop Emeritus Tamás József

“Nothing is impossible for God” – proclaims the archangel to Mary, when announcing the birth of Jesus (Lk 1, 37). It was not impossible for God to fulfill the request of Manoah and his wife, giving them a child, who later became the one of the judges of the chosen people of God, under the name of Samson. It was also not impossible for God to fulfill the wish of the high priest Zacharias and his wife Elisabeth, although they were past their youthful years. He gifted them, with such a child, in the person of John Baptist, who later prepared the ways for the coming of Jesus amongst his people. 
Nothing is impossible for God concerning us too. That is why we must address him in the spirit of faith. Christmas is not only the feast of love, but of faith too. Let us allow it, to deepen in us the strong, unshakable faith.

Photo: Geréd Zsolt