Many people are named John, and may not know that this name means "God is gracious". It is the name given to John the Baptist because it was the name God had told his father to name him when he announced the birth of his child.
Legfrissebb tartalmak
Gyula Juhász, the Hungarian poet, in his poem "The Nativity Carol", calls us: "Oh, people, think of him today!" At this time of the year, at Christmas, we can think of many things. We can think of the spirit of Christmases gone by, of the gifts we have received, of the joy of togetherness, but also of the stifling poverty, of lost loved ones, of distant relatives, of depressing loneliness. Oh, people, think of him today!
Poetul maghiar Gyula Juhász, în poezia sa "Cântecul Nașterii", ne îndeamnă: "O, oameni buni, gândiți-vă astăzi la El!". În această perioadă a anului, Crăciunul, ne putem gândi la multe lucruri. Ne putem gândi la spiritul Crăciunului de altădată, la cadourile primite, la bucuria de a fi împreună, dar și la sărăcia sufocantă, la cei dragi pierduți, la rudele îndepărtate, la singurătatea deprimantă.
„Ó, emberek gondoljatok ma rá!” Ilyenkor, karácsonykor sok mindenre gondolhatunk. Gondolhatunk az eltelt karácsonyok hangulatára, a kapott ajándékokra, az együttlét örömére, de a fojtogató szegénységre, elvesztett szeretteinkre, távolban élő hozzátartozóinkra, a lehangoló magányra.
Ó, emberek gondoljatok ma rá!
Those who can appreciate a gift and through it the love of the one who prepared that gift, will be filled with joy and gratitude. Our Lady is also overjoyed and full of gratitude.
Cine simte semnificația darului și dragostea celui care îl oferă, inima lui va fi plină de bucurie și recunoștință.
Aki át tudja érezni az ajándék jelentőségét, s benne az adományozó szeretetét, annak a szíve megtelik örömmel, hálával. A Szűzanyában is túlcsordul az öröm és a hála.
Egyházunk a történelem folyamán Erzsébet nyomdokain haladva teljesíti a Szűzanya jövendölését, amit hálaadó énekében így mond: „Lám, ezentúl boldognak hirdet engem minden nemzedék” (Lk 1,48). Úgy vagyok én is mennyei édesanyám igazi gyermeke, ha tisztelem, szeretem őt és példája szerint törekszem élni.
The meeting of the two women, the Blessed Virgin Mary and her relative, Elizabeth, is one of the key events of the history of our salvation, otherwise it would not have been recorded in the Gospel of St Luke. Elizabeth calls Mary blessed among women, calls her the Mother of the Lord and proclaims her blessed and happy because of her faith. Throughout history, our Church, following in Elizabeth's footsteps, has fulfilled Our Lady's prophecy, which she said in her praising hymn: "Behold, henceforth all generations shall proclaim me blessed." (Lk 1,48) I am a true child of my heavenly Mother, if I honour and love her and strive to live according to her example.
Cuvintele mărturisitoare ale Elisabetei despre Fecioară sunt o bază importantă pentru cinstirea ei, deoarece Elisabeta o numește mai binecuvântată decât orice femeie, o numește Maica Domnului și proclamă binecuvântarea ei datorită credinței sale.
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